“Hôtel Nantes”
Tatzu Nishi
If it is the first time Tatzu Nishi exhibits in France, this is not the first time he seizes a big classic sculpture to include it within a closed space. Exploring Nantes, he has very simply turned towards the Loire and its affluent rivers, represented by as much statues at the centre of the “Place Royale” (square). This fountain built in 1865 shows the river and maritime vocation of Nantes. The city, represented as a crowned woman, watches over the Loire and its affluents: the Erdre, the Sèvre, the Cher and the Loiret. Eight geniuses of industry and trade recall the main function of the harbour in the economy of the city.
The upper part of the fountain becomes the centre of a bedroom which can be visited during the day and rented out at night. This statue which, from force of habit, is hardly visible will become unforgettable for each visitor thanks to its closeness and to its unusual new case. This hotel room will probably be the most extraordinary in the world for its time living.
Tatzu Nishi settled in Germany about twenty years ago. His work focuses on all objects which make up our towns: public benches, lampposts, bus stops and especially monuments and statues. Diverting them from their first use, putting them in unexpected and incongruous situations, he introduces them in a different, funny and poetic light. Since 2001, he has been developing this more ambitious work around big classic sculptures that can be found in any city.