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“Canard de bain”
Florentijn Hofman

A yellow dot is looming on the horizon and coming toward the banks. His arrival causes big gatherings and astonishment. “The Duck” does not have any border, it does not discriminate between people and does not convey any political message. He only represents a friendly figure shining forth with its bright yellow, all along its journeys to calm down the world tensions” – Florentjin Hofman

The yellow duck, this family object firmly fixed in people’s imagination, becomes on the Loire scale, a yellow monochrome monument and an architecture as such. The “Duck” becomes “building”.

Florentijn Hofman was born in 1977 in Netherlands. Graduate from the Kunsthochschule of Berlin in interdisciplinary arts. Since 2001, Florentijn Hofman has produced numerous large-scale installations “in situ”, mainly in the Netherlands where he lives and works. One of the recurring elements of his creations is the monochrome monument thanks to which he tries to calm down “surrounding noises” and encourage a certain perception of the public space. Intuitive artist, he draws his inspiration from everyday life, from workers, from transport.


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